Developing an EU WEB portal for
video-mediated Public Service Interpreting
to improve access to basic services for migrants and refugees
When arriving in a new country, effective communication in the initial stage is one of the main tools to achieve integration in that country. A newcomer will obviously not immediately be able to master the local language, which is why the services of a public service interpreter play an important role in this initial stage. Practices of how interpreters can be and are employed in such settings differ widely across Europe, and there is no European framework of minimal standards for public service interpreting (PSI) yet. This causes unequal access to basic services across the EU. An additional challenge for newcomers is the mismatch between interpreter supply and demand: speakers from languages of lesser diffusion (LLDs) are often excluded from access to essential services due to insufficient interpreters in their languages.
To tackle these challenges, the project has a three-fold overall objective:
Develop minimum standards to guarantee high-quality language support and equal access to basic services for newcomers across the EU;
Facilitate access to interpreting services by offering remote solutions that are more adapted to contemporary needs;
Increase the interpreting capacity for LLDs to make sure that more newcomers have access to essential language services and to empower the speakers of these languages

We are excited to announce that the EU-WEBPSI portal is live! Do you want to know more? Join one of the planned webinars and get to know the EU-WEBPSI portal!
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