
23 September 2022

On 23 September 2022, the consortium gathered in Brussels to launch the EU-WEBPSI project. The project enables partners from different domains to join forces: university partners as well as reception agencies and organisations involved in interpreter training and certification, work together to reach the project’s objectives. A hybrid meeting was set up, allowing partners who were unable to come to Brussels to participate. 

The meeting kicked off with an ice-breaking activity and a presentation by the Ghent University project coordinators. The partners broadly discussed what the project entails, what they want to achieve and how they will do so. After the well-deserved coffee break, the participants got started with the work packages included in the project. They discussed the development and challenges of the tasks that lay ahead, as well as the responsibilities per partner. 

The second Consortium Meeting will be organised on site in Ghent in September 2023. This meeting will be combined with a field visit to a Fedasil reception centre.